Anya Savikhin

Anya Savikhin received a PhD in economics from Purdue University, in April 2010, with an emphasis on microeconomics, behavioral economics, and applications of visual analytics to economic decision making. She uses the methodology of experimental economics to study individual behavior under uncertainty. Anya's recent research involves the study of behavioral spillovers in simultaneous and sequential environments, the study of what motivates individuals to contribute to public goods, the role of reputation systems in online markets, and applications of visual analytics to practical problems of information search and financial portfolio selection. Anya is the Co-PI of several academic grants, including one from the NSF's Science of Science of Innovation Policy division for work on applications of visual analytics to economics. Her research at the Becker Center involves working with John List and Steve Levitt in research projects in child education, child behavior, food choice and food insecurity, unplanned teen pregnancy prevention, and charity donations.

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