Human Capital and Economic Opportunity: A Global Working Group

Eamonn Ferguson

University of Nottingham
Professor of Health Psychology

I graduated from York University with a BSc in Psychology (1985) and completed my PhD (1992) at Nottingham University where I remained and I am now a professor of health psychology. I am a chartered health and occupational psychologist, a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and co-founding president of the British Society for the Psychology of Individual Differences ( I am currently a Committee Member of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Advisory Committee Behaviour & Communication Sub-Group for UK Department of Health. My research focuses on the relationship between personality and a number of health and occupational outcomes. In particular I am interested in how personality and motivation influences pro-social behaviour both in field (blood and organ donation) and laboratory (public goods games) settings. I also have a longstanding interest in how personality traits influence learning during medical training and its implications for medical selection and training. Outside of these areas I have an interest in symptom reporting and how it is influenced by health anxiety and personality.

Working Group

Identity and Personality (IP)

Additional Information
