Human Capital and Economic Opportunity: A Global Working Group

Heather Hill

University of Chicago - School of Social Service Administration
Assistant Professor

Heather D. Hill is an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration (SSA). She holds a master's degree in public policy from the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. in Human Development and Social Policy from Northwestern University. Hill's research examines the effects of social policy on family economic circumstances and on child health and development. She was involved in the Next Generation Project, which examined how experimental welfare programs implemented in the 1990s affected the wellbeing of children. In other work, she uses experimental and quasi-experimental designs to estimate the effects of maternal employment and job loss on children's health and behavior. Hill is co-PI (with Susan Lambert) of the Employment Instability, Family Well-Being, and Social Policy Network (EINet) based at SSA. This network organizes scholars, practitioners, and policy makers to better understand the causes and consequences of employment instability, and to identify opportunities to promote stability through workplace and policy interventions.

Working Group

Early Childhood Interventions (ECI)

Additional Information
